Happy Herald - Gardening with Charlie https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8508-1-gardening-with-charlie.html <![CDATA[Annual Weeds Control]]> Now that the vegetable garden is all planted, not only are your seeded squash, cucumbers, lettuces, beans and carrots coming up, so are the weeds..]]> <![CDATA[How to Grow a Tomato]]> Tomatoes are far and away the most popular vegetable grown by home gardeners. ]]> <![CDATA[Success in the Garden]]> A better solution is to plan out your annual edible garden so crops mature in a more orderly fashion. Succession planting requires a little knowledge of the type of plants you´re growing, a little planning to have room for them to grow, and the patience to plant each crop in turn.]]> <![CDATA[Using Organic Fertilizers]]> Building up the fertility of the soil is one of the most important aspects of gardening. Synthetic fertilizers are manufactured products, while organic fertilizers are derived from plants, animals, or naturally occurring minerals.]]> <![CDATA[Pruning Fruit Trees]]> While it’s easy this time of year to just daydream about next year’s garden, there are some chores to be done. Late winter is the perfect time for one of my favorite garden tasks: pruning ]]>