Happy Herald - Fitness by Larisa https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8537-1-fitness-by-larisa.html <![CDATA[Ayurveda Yoga’s Sister Science]]> Ayurveda means “science of life” or “the knowledge of life.” This system has been used for 3-5,000 years to maintain health. It includes following a healthy, individualized diet, meditation, massage and Yoga.]]> <![CDATA[What is Yoga All About?]]> “I don’t want to wear tights!” (Fully supportive of your choice!) “I don’t do that chanting, woo-woo weird stuff.” (Ok. This one I get. Not all classes and teachers do that because, yes, it’s way far out of many people’s comfort zones and Yoga is not about pushing.]]> <![CDATA[The Environment-Meat Connection]]> Without the greenhouse effect, the ability of certain gases to trap heat, life on our planet could not have happened as it has. Our atmosphere absorbs some of the sun’s heat and radiates some back into space. The problem arises when the greenhouse gases accumulate, trapping too much heat.]]> <![CDATA[Aging and Exercise]]> Here are a few more. I have seen 80-plus-year-olds in arm balances I still can’t do, 60-year-olds in full sprints during full marathons while I huffed and puffed through a half, men well in their golden years in solid and strong bodies, and...]]> <![CDATA[Managing Diabetes]]> According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25.8 million people suffered from diabetes in 2010, 90-95 percent of type 2. Direct and indirect associated costs to this disease were 174 billion dollars in 2007.]]> <![CDATA[Back Pain]]> The spine is composed of 24 vertebrae. The pelvis contains the sacrum, composed of five fused bones, and the coccyx, composed of four bones fully or partially fused. The sacrum meets the spine at the sacroiliac or SI joint.]]> <![CDATA[ANXIETY]]> Anxiety is fully recognized as a health hazard today. While causes cannot be directly linked to any one thing in particular, stress, biology, and hormones are strong factors in the development of conditions like anxiety, general anxiety disorder (GAD), and panic disorder.]]> <![CDATA[Childhood Obesity]]> According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a child is considered obese if his body mass index is above the 95th percentile of children of the same age and sex.]]> <![CDATA[Chemicals and children]]> All -natural foods are hard to find. This makes it even more important that we know what artificial ingredients we ingest and how they interact with our chemistry. It is difficult to prove that any one particular chemical is damaging to our health, but sometimes increased negative side effects can be linked to them.]]> <![CDATA[Chemicals and children]]> All -natural foods are hard to find. This makes it even more important that we know what artificial ingredients we ingest and how they interact with our chemistry. It is difficult to prove that any one particular chemical is damaging to our health, but sometimes increased negative side effects can be linked to them.]]> <![CDATA[Yoga and injuries]]> The first and only time I seriously injured my back, I did too many reps with weights that were way too heavy. I gave myself two days and since the pain felt somewhat better, I figured I would do some yoga because that would surely make the whole thing go away.]]> <![CDATA[Alcohol and your Health]]> Scientific research suggests that people who drink alcohol in moderation can lower their risk of death by 25% when compared with those who do not drink. However, excessive consumption can lead to addiction, accidents and many other health problems.]]> <![CDATA[Pilates and the happy, neutral spine.]]> What’s the big deal about having a straight spine? The easiest and most superficial answer is: it just looks better.]]> <![CDATA[The Benefits of Antioxidants]]> A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is most recommended for maintaining a long, healthy life. Produce is usually low in calories, high in fiber, rich in nutrients, and contains antioxidants which are most responsible for maintaining health.]]> <![CDATA[Why meditation?]]> I remember twenty years ago being just fine with the hectic energy of youth. Full-time job, part-time school getting my Master’s degree, daily training for a black belt, and of course, can’t forget about going out and having fun. This worked just fine for a long time.]]> <![CDATA[Differences between Pilates and Yoga]]> While flexibility and mobility are built into the work, Pilates is more about stabilizing, about drawing into the center. Arms and legs move and reach out, but the real focus is on stabilizing spine, hips, or shoulder blades. Everything the arms and legs do is simply to create more challenge to the isometric, the stabilization.]]> <![CDATA[Exercise and Immunity]]> The immune system protects the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, cancer, etc. Simply put, it removes foreign cells from the body. It consists of capillaries, vessels, nodes, and fluid. Lymphatic fluid is carried through the capillaries to the lymph nodes, the small organs of this system.]]> <![CDATA[The BEST form of exercise!]]> Ask ten random people what the best form of exercise is and you will likely get ten different answers. For some, CrossFit is where it’s at; nothing beats it. Others prefer good old weight lifting.]]>