Cary Bayer


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Cary Bayer is a Life Coach and the founder of Higher Self Healing Meditation.  He conducts a private practice and teaches meditation classes by the ocean in south Florida and in the mountains of Woodstock, NY.  You can find him at, email him at, or call him at (845) 664-1883.

Latest Articles by Cary Bayer

» Persistence and Success » From Your Truly Great iPhone » From the Old Three Rs to the New» Have a Helping of a Helpless Day» Richard Kimble’s Fugitive As Sir Galahad/Bodhisattva» Falling in Love vs. Rising in Love » Being, John Malkovich and Meditation» Every Season is The Season to be Jolly» Appreciating Simple Things» LIFE From Your Truly Great iPhone To Your Truly Great I » The Tonic, Theme, Callback and Enlightenment » The Top Five Ways To Find Balance in Life» From Women’s Intuition To Animals’ Intuition» A Minute Of Silence... And Then 20 More» Independence Day and the True Meanings of Freedom