Happy Herald - From The Heart https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8511-1-from-the-heart.html <![CDATA[How Many Miracles Do You Get? ]]> A coaching client reported that years ago when she became pregnant, her doctors told her that the baby would not survive. She and her husband prayed fervently for the child’s well-being, and the baby was born healthy, and went on to live a happy life. Since that time she had a few miscarriages, and now the couple very much wants another child.]]> <![CDATA[Somebody Needs the Wood ]]> An eccentric but likeable guy in my town has literally taken upon himself the admonition to bear the cross. Years ago John fashioned a small crucifix out of wood, and since then he walks regularly along the side of a highway carrying the cross. He used to bear the cross on one shoulder while waving and blowing kisses to the folks in passing cars.]]> <![CDATA[Whatever Spirit Wants ]]> A friend of mine was eager to get her book published, so she attended a panel discussion by successful inspirational authors at a large publishing convention.]]> <![CDATA[Tellers of a New Tale ]]> When I go to the local bank, I always enjoy seeing a teller named Emily, a delightful retired elementary school teacher with a kind word for everyone.]]> <![CDATA[Your Secret Stash ]]> The key to healing relationships is joining – finding common ground on which you and your friend are unified. In my book “Happily Even After,” I interviewed couples who had been steeped in bitter acrimony as a result of a breakup or divorce, and then found ways to harmonize and support each other.]]> <![CDATA[Twigs and Shout ]]> As you and I enter the new year, we too find ourselves on a journey over a vast uncharted sea. Will we ever reach the prosperity, rewarding relationships, health, clarity, and inner peace we have been promised? Can I have a job that fulfills my soul and provides me with a substantial income? Can I meet someone who truly matches me?]]> <![CDATA[The Word and the Womb]]> How much should you tell other people about what is really important to you? Should you broadcast your dreams to everyone in hopes that others will honor your intentions and support you? Or would you be wiser to keep your visions to yourself and avoid debilitating criticism? ]]> <![CDATA[Intelligent Programming]]> While in Japan I met an American woman who had been living in that country for 20 years. I asked her how long it had taken her to learn the Japanese language. “A couple of years,” she answered. “But I still don’t understand everything. Just the things that interest me.]]> <![CDATA[From Cheesy Relationships to a Gourmet Banquet ]]> In the early 1900’s a European man named Frederic had a dream to travel to the United States. At that time, air travel had not been developed, so he booked passage on an ocean liner. Such a trip required all of his savings, but it was worth it. ]]> <![CDATA[What Will You Do with Your Life Now? ]]> As the pandemic recedes, we are all looking forward to reclaiming something like the life we once knew. But could one of the purposes of the pandemic be to direct us to a life better than the one we knew? While many people hope the world returns to normal, that could be the worst of our new choices]]> <![CDATA[Are You Ready to Take off Your Mask?]]> As I was checking out of a grocery store, I asked the clerk if she was looking forward to removing her mask when our state releases its mask requirement soon. “I’ve kind of gotten used to it,” she replied. “I might keep wearing it even after I don’t have to.” ]]> <![CDATA[How to Get Out of a Coma ]]> I was honored to meet Morton Lauridsen, a genius musician considered by many to be the world’s greatest living composer of choral music. He is widely respected for his stirring opus, “Lux Aeterna” (“Eternal Light”). Morton told me that one of his dear friends, a conductor who often conducts Lauridsen’s compositions, fell into a coma.]]> <![CDATA[Why the Holidays Don’t Matter]]> For the many years I’ve been writing this column, I conclude each year with an inspirational message about the importance of the holidays. This year I would like to take a different approach. I would like to suggest that the holidays don’t really matter and there is nothing you really need to do about them.]]> <![CDATA[How to Get Paid Big Time for Your Creations ]]> Creativity brings life and rewards you on all levels. You can assess your mental and emotional health by the degree of creativity in which you are engaged. Are you expanding and growing? Are you launching into uncharted territory?]]> <![CDATA[Identity Theft]]> As I read my credit card statement, my eyes bulged. I was being billed for two $5,000 cash advances I had not taken. Then there was a clothing shopping spree in Dallas. Someone had stolen my credit card information and went to town on it.]]> <![CDATA[Remember What’s Important]]> We had light hearts, laughed often, expressed ourselves honestly, and gravitated to people we loved. Then we were trained in what is important instead, and our lights began to dim. At some point we begin to recognize that what we were told is important, is not, and what we know is important, is.]]> <![CDATA[The Grace Factor]]> Miracles and well-being are our natural state, given freely without limit forever. Only the human mind lays bounds over the good available to us. It is not God’s Grace we need to beg for. It is our own. And we don’t need to beg. We just need to claim it.]]> <![CDATA[How to Get into the In Crowd]]> In high school I looked up to my classmate Rick Brown, the quintessential cool guy. He was the good-looking captain of the football team and president of the student council. He had a cheerleader homecoming queen girlfriend and was liked by everyone. I envied Rick because he was at the epicenter of the in crowd, and I saw myself as a distant outsider. ]]> <![CDATA[Where to Find the Love of Your Life]]> After many years of coaching and leading seminars, I have discovered two areas that most people ask about most frequently: prosperity and relationships. Most people are looking for their love mate, or, if they have one, are seeking a better connection.]]> <![CDATA[Clear Vision in 2020]]> I was standing at the counter of a snack bar at a children’s zoo when a customer became quite nasty with the server. A part of his order had not been delivered correctly, and he made quite a stink.]]>