One of the secrets of success in selling is for you to do what you love to do. Top salespeople love what they are selling.
They believe in it passionately. They will defend it and argue over it. They will talk about it day and night. When they go to bed, they think about their product. When they wake up in the morning, they can hardly wait to talk to prospects about it.
“When you get into this business, you will make a living.
But when the business gets into you, you will make a great life.”
Truer words were never spoken.
Look at the top salespeople in the very best companies, and you’ll find that these people are fanatical about their products and services. That is why they sell so much. One of top salesmen once said, “When you get into this business, you will make a living. But when the business gets into you, you will make a great life.”
Truer words were never spoken.
Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a human resources company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. President of Brian Tracy University, a private online University for Sales and Entrepreneurship (www.briantracyu.com).