When was the last time you smiled at a stranger? Chances are, they smiled right back at you. This simple act of kindness, the power of a smile, can profoundly affect our emotions. It not only makes us feel good, but it also empowers us in ways we might not realize.
Are you psyched, or are you dreading it? Whatever you feel about the upcoming months of football games, we can make the football season more fun and easier if we become intentional about it regarding our relationships! Our marriages certainly don’t need to suffer.
Quick: what were you doing in the year 2000? (apart from worrying about whether computers were going to be confused by the Millenium changeover, and end up taking over civilization). In school? First job? Unmarried?
While most dog owners need little reason to celebrate their furry family members, National Dog Month provides a perfect opportunity to show pets a little extra love.
By Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of BEanAnimalHero.org
The annual return to school is coinciding with the “Veganza Animal Heroes Guide to Save Animals and the Earth” book tour. This action-adventure story of wild horse rescue is illustrated by Choice
Good skin care doesn’t have to mean intensive routines or expensive moisturizers – it can be as easy as adopting everyday habits that nurture your skin from the inside out.
Make mornings run more smoothly this school year with these tips from the experts at American Standard, who know all about the best tools to operate a successful household.
the building blocks of all life. From my imaginative conception, the smallest particles, atoms, will begin to whir, attract and align themselves to form my waking dream.
In today’s fast-paced world, a good night’s sleep is often elusive. As many turn to various methods to enhance their sleep, one ancient practice stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness – Tai Chi
How can we get better at predicting when and where wildfires will occur, so we can adequately mitigate their impact?
By Earth Talk
In recent years, the wildfires incidents have intensified, driven by factors including climate change, land use patterns and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns.
Top with a scoop of strawberry sauce and, if you desire, a light dusting of powdered sugar. Add a dollop of coconut yogurt (stir in maple syrup and vanilla to taste) sprinkle with a few sliced almonds and serve.