Welcome to my birthday month!
Love May! My gift request?? YOU, as my next client!!
I love my birthday month. Growing up in the NY metro area (Westchester County), I enjoyed the springtime blooming of trees, emerging flowers from fall-planted bulbs and the budding of nature coming alive everywhere.
Here in South Florida, not so much.
Stuff keeps growing no matter what time of year. We are blessed, with sunshine, heat, rainy season and tourism. But now the snowbirds have flown the coop and returned to their northern nests.
We celebrate May Day, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day this month. And of course, my birthday on May 2. (Funny, it’s the same day each year!!) Last year about this time, I traveled with my love, Annie G., and my sister and brother to Amsterdam to experience the Keukenhof gardens filled with millions of TULIPS, DAFFODILS, and HYACINTHS. Heaven on Earth, I’d say. What a wonderful trip aboard the AmaWaterways river cruise. You should try it!
For now, we’re back in the saddle, and living an uncluttered life. You can too. You just need to get rid of a lot of stuff!!! Sounds simple, and in theory it is…. In practice, guess again.
I recommend, as I’m writing my first book on the subject, to use my SMART System to decluttering.
As a reminder… S stands for START SIMPLY. Get success and momentum under your belt. Clear out a sock drawer, a kitchen drawer, the laundry area. Simple, doable, and you get rapid results that lead you to the next area.
M stands for MINDSET. How many of you think decluttering and organizing is nearly impossible, a drudgery, and the worst way to spend time? Many think so.
I’ve devised a method to help you overcome the negatives. Mindset allows for playing your favorite music playlist to literally set the tone.Get a fave beverage, hot or cold, enjoy yourself. And then, dress comfortably. Setting a positive mindset with music, drink and comfort goes a long way to having a good time decluttering.
A stands for ACTION. To get started with your home organizing project, action needs to happen at some point. Again, start simply. Have on hand the following: BLACK garbage bags for discards; WHITE garbage bags for donations of soft goods, like towels, sheets, clothing. Have on hand a cleaning spray and wipes of your choosing. A vacuum or broom to get the floors cleaned.
Then pick your area, and I suggest CLEAR the COUNTERTOP first.
Remove everything, then clean the surface. Then… be DELIBERATE with placing only the most useful, pretty, and functional items back on the counter. This pertains to bathrooms, kitchens, furniture, night stands, et al.
R stands for REUSE, REPURPOSE and RECYCLE. One of the intrinsic benefits of clearing the clutter is that you get to LET GO of things that no longer serve you, and then you get to DONATE these things to others who may need assistance. This allows for others to appreciate and benefit from your things that you no longer much cared for anyway. Giving gets you feeling good about yourself, the more you give, the better you’ll feel. And by donating, you make space for new items or more space.
T stands for TRANSFORMATION. It’s important to have an end game in mind. I suggest that when you clear the clutter… you clear the mind. And from clearing the mind, new possibilities abound. That’s transformation.
Post clutter clearing, I’ve seen clients find new jobs, new housemates, new lovers, and it’s simply no coincidence. The clearing of clutter frees the spirit, lets you let go of old habits and beliefs along with old styles of unworn clothing.
So that’s the SMART System I’ve developed.
And now, in May, we are still in SPRING CLEARING mode.
Open the blinds, open the windows and let the sunlight flood your home with disinfecting energy. Take control of your environment, and it will surely reward you with comfort, serenity, peace and joy.
Until next time, please try out the SMART system and let me know how it goes.
Should you desire some support, I’m here for you. Call with a challenge, call with a project concern, I’m here to serve you and make this world friendlier, more organized, and for you to find freedom from all that stuff you managed to acquire. Let it go, let it go, let it go….
Call or text 561-706-7779 and Get SMART!