So, how can you best prepare for your “doggy date”?
1 Make sure your dog is clean, groomed, and free of parasites (fleas, ticks, worms). No one wants to bring home those kind of souvenirs.
2 You’re anxious to show off and socialize your new pup. But is he/she is under four months old (not had all his/her shots)----leave him/ her at home!
3 If your dog is in heat (in season) leave her at home to prevent possible suitors fighting over her. Why not get her spayed when she’s out of season? She’ll be happier, healthier and have less risk for certain cancers. There are thousands of pets in shelters and rescues in need of homes.
4 Check your dog’s collar, proof of vaccinations (tag or receipt) and confirm the ID tag is secure with correct information.
5 RSVP, in advance to the event.
Doing so enables the organizers/ venue to prepare enough food, seating, etc. There may even be a goody bag in your future, if you do!
6 Give your dog has his/her regular exercise on event day. You don’t want them overly stimulated for the party. Feed them a little less, at the regular meal time. There are probably going to be treats.
7 Make sure you (the owner) look your best, and wear comfortable (preferably flat, for safety) shoes. The “puppa-razzi” will probably be there to capture special images.
8 Bring bottled water for your dog and his/her own bowl, to prevent spreading/catching germs.
9 If it’s a day time event, don’t be stingy with the sunscreen. Your dog needs protection, too; especially short coated breeds. Pay attention to the pavement temperature. Would you walk barefoot on it?
10 Drive safely, windows up, with your dog SECURED in his/her car seat, crate or on a fixed lead.
11 Learn acceptable canine body language. Allow dogs to calmy approach one another---on the ground. There is going to be some posterior smelling, guaranteed. It’s OK!
12 Meet, greet and have a howling good time. Not only will you be providing valuable socialization for your dog, you just might make some new friends, yourself!