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Tuesday, August 16,2022

TMS (Too Much Stuff)

By David Hall  
I write a column about organization, decluttering, and letting go.

This month, let’s look at the IMPACT that CLEARING CLUTTER provides.

Generally speaking, we all have TMS (Too Much Stuff). Because of TMS we get overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the mere idea of making order out of chaos. It often is a DAUNTING task. One may ask, “Where do I begin?”, “What’s the point, it just piles up again each time?”, “Isn’t there a better way to organize my stuff?” These gnawing questions negatively impact you.

The impact is a distracting focus away from the important things in your life. When we have clutter – in a closet, a kitchen pantry or out in the garage – we have a cluttered mind. We spend so much time JUSTIFYING, EXCUSING, PROCRASTINATING and being INDECISIVE about our situation and circumstances. It is exhausting, unrelenting and a constant “thorn in one’s side”. Until and unless action is taken.

The impact of leaving the piles, or worse letting them grow ever larger, is that you can feel frustrated, out of sorts, confused, upset, depressed and helpless. Why? Well, some of the source is that you KNOW what to do, but haven’t made the time to DO IT. Or you find EVERYTHING ELSE TO DO to avoid going through those heaps of mail, clothes, and other stuff. The clutter becomes a burden, a task, a misery, and you would rather do ANYTHING than “Face the music.”

I hear you. I know the challenges… and I can help. Often times, it has taken years of accumulating stuff to get to where you are right now. Yet in our thoughts, we think clearing this clutter should be a simple enough task. Truth is, it takes time to clear the clutter, once and for all, after so many years of neglect.

Helpful Steps to Organizing Your Home

STEP 1. Give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself and let yourself off the hook. Today you are going to do something productive about the chaos in your home. NOW IS THE TIME TO CLEAR THE CLUTTER. Start small. Set some time in your busy schedule, maybe an hour or two tops. Decide to keep your commitment to DECLUTTER. Choose a kitchen pantry, or a hall closet, or a small cabinet over the washer/dryer. The simpler the better. You want to get started and most importantly you want to finish the project.

STEP 2. Set a timer. Time yourself for 60 minutes with the challenge of completing that one small space.

STEP 3. Empty the contents completely first! Whether it’s a drawer, a pantry, or a part of a closet makeover, empty all the contents. Why? It forces you to look over everything and it allows you a fresh start in the space.

“DUMP IT OUT.” Then clean the drawer, shelves, pantry. Wipe clean.

STEP 4. Have a garage bag and a donation bag nearby and begin making decisions. Simple ones at first: the obvious garbage like used gum wrappers, old paper clips, torn, shredded and faded things that are garbage. As you release, you let go of the past and you quickly see the merit in the task. THAT’S THE WHOLE IDEA… build momentum. STAY FOCUSED and COMMITTED to seeing this task completed. Need more time? No problem.


STEP 5. Only keep things you love, enjoy, or find function with. All else say “BYE-BYE.” Find joy in donating things to others less fortunate. And always give yourself praise for taking on your stuff, your life and soon, very soon, you’ll feel ever so much better, lighter, and in control.

If you clear your clutter as a result of reading this column, BRAVO! If you find you’d like some coaching, some consulting and you’d like to contact me, please do so. I am ready to provide you with expertise, guidance and encouragement – no matter the circumstances. Be brave, be strong, be deliberate and only good things will result. PROMISE.

Call me, David Hall, 561-706-7779, or visit my website at to learn more about Clearing the Clutter.



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Also from David Hall:
