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Tuesday, February 7,2023

Ahhhhhh, Love!

By Michelle Hays  
It is February and love seems to be everywhere – hearts, chocolates, roses, and jewelry commercials! What comes to mind when you think about love and Valentine’s Day? What feeling arises from the depths of your heart? Are you hoping for Cupid to draw back his bow? Are you longing to somehow reconnect with your spouse? Are you secretly planning a roman tic evening with candlelight, champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, and a night of romance?

Our expectations can be pretty high regarding love. I know my expectations of love were once the kind of love we see in fairy tales! I believed that love was this indescribable feeling – a euphoric journey that two people embarked upon with passion, excitement, romance, lots of laughter, reckless abandon – and that love should feel that way forever!

I am a bit older and wiser today, and my passion and curiosity about love have grown. I have come to discover (the hard way) that true love requires a conscious decision. I’ve also learned that true love must also include action.

Love is life’s greatest gift!

Yet for many, it is elusive, and for some, downright confusing or frustrating. What are the secrets of the couples who seem to thrive in love and marriage? What do they know that we don’t? What do they do that we don’t? One of the most potent aspects of Love is ROMANCE, good old-fashioned romance. We have all seen the elderly gentleman opening the car door for his wife after all those years. Or the young couple holding hands and kissing each other in line at the movies. I know I want that kind of romance in my marriage. What about you?

Yes, we all know that love is more than just romance. It’s communication, compromise, and certainly a commitment. However, I can tell you that romance is the fuel in the engine! When was the last time you were romantic? When was the last time you were romanced? Do you remember how special you felt? Has it been a while since you and your partner romanced each other?

Learning to love with intention is essential! Relationships and marriages thrive when there is a little romance sprinkled in with day-to-day life!

Here Are Seven Ways to Create Romance in Your Relationship:

1. Try something new together! Learn a new language, take dance classes, or cooking classes together. When you do exciting things together, you begin associating fun and excitement with your partner!

2. Ask questions! We all change through the years, and showing interest in your partner creates intimacy, which fosters romance and emotional bonds.

3. Spend time with other happy couples! When you keep company with other couples who are loving and affectionate with each other, you unconsciously become more loving and affectionate to your partner.

4. Tell your partner what you love about them often! Be grateful, complimentary, and adoring. Remind you partner why you fell in love with them! Doing so keeps things fresh in your mind as well!

5. Celebrate everything!

Make each other feel special whenever possible! Celebrate anniversaries, raises, promotions, the day you met, St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo – you get the idea!

6. Plan date nights often!

Just because you have been together for a while, your “dating life” shouldn’t end. Schedule time to focus on each other. Skip the movie. Get dressed up and make it feel special, or stay home and look at old photos together.

7. Write a love letter! The written word is more powerful than ever, because of all the email and texting most of us do. Write down your memories and sentiments. Seal it with a kiss or a heart. Your partner will be delighted and will always remember it.

Remember that love is the largest experience life has to offer. Bring back the romance in your relationship, and you will expand your life and the love of your partner. Choose love. Happy Valentine’s Day!


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Also in Monarch for Love:
