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Wednesday, August 2,2023

Remember Your First Date?

By Michelle Hays  
My husband Brian and I love reminiscing about our first date. I got off work at six, rushed home, showered, styled my hair, put on my makeup, and slipped on a little black dress. I walked into the restaurant at 7:05, you know, fashionably late. Brian wasn’t there. I waited. I looked at my phone. Nothing. At 7:15, I was feeling quite annoyed. Am I being stood up?!

Please don’t ask me why, but I called my mother.

“Can you believe this guy?!” I said to her. My mom was so sweet. She said, “Honey, your friend Sheryl wouldn’t set you up with someone who would stand you up. Something must have happened.” So reluctantly, I called Brian. He answered in a panicstricken voice and said, “I will be there in five minutes,” and hung up! I didn’t have a chance to say a word! And so, I waited.

Five minutes later, through the windows I see Brian speedily pulling up to the valet, rushing out of his car, and taking a moment to compose himself. Then confidently walking through the door. I knew he was about to do his best to win me over and that he did! Brian softly kissed my hand and said, “I am so sorry. I was on a business call and completely lost track of the time. I have been looking forward to meeting you all day.”

I playfully said, “Well, don’t let it happen again!” We both laughed and my heart melted.

As the hostess walked us to our table, Brian requested a black napkin for me. A black napkin? I thought. Then I realized! White napkins get lint on black dresses! Wow – I was impressed! Anyway, to make a long story short, neither of us wanted the evening to end. Our first date was quite memorable. What about yours?

When was the last time you thought about your first date? Did you know that thinking back on your first date can remind you of all the things that first attracted you to your partner? Try it! Remember the excitement and passion? According to new research, some of those old feelings come flooding back when we reminisce about positive experiences with our spouses. Remembering the “way we were” can bring back those incredible feelings. It’s not about reliving the experience. It’s all about remembering what made the two of you fall in love in the first place! So, reminisce, revisit the places where you both first fell in love, listen to “your” song together, and wipe the dust off your wedding album! It is the love and the laughter you will remember. Why not bring back those loving feelings?


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Also in Monarch for Love:
