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Wednesday, June 2,2021

Adjustments and Alignments: Chiropractors, Cars and Consciousness

By Cary Bayer  
Chiropractors tell you that you need to get your spine adjusted on a regular basis. For many, that might mean every week or two. Mr. Goodwrench at your neighborhood General Motors service center reminds you to have your automobile’s wheels aligned. Your dentist and your doctor tell you to come in to see them annually, as well. Your chiropractor and your car’s service department can teach you a lot about your need to have your consciousness adjusted, as well.

My favorite way of coaching clients to adjust their consciousness is through aligning their lower self’s belief system with that of their higher Self. When you live from your higher Self, all kinds of unlimited possibilities open to you, but when you look at life from your lower self, you often see problems, fears, insecurities, doubts, and other negative thoughts and emotions. All too often, these limitations may stop you in your tracks, and breakthroughs in careers, relationships, and spiritual development are put on hold in favor of the status quo continuing. The key to putting those breakthroughs on the front burner is to do some inner Feng Shui, and move the energy from your lower self to your higher Self.

Belief System Adjustments

Holding most people back from advancing in their personal and professional lives is the fear of failure. Ron Jaworski, a 17-year NFL quarterback, said it well: “Positive thinking is the key to success in business, education, pro football, anything that you can mention... I go out there thinking I am going to complete every pass.” The enlightened affirmation method that I’m about to show you helps shift awareness from the lower self to the higher Self.

An excellent way to affirm is through writing, including the writing of negative responses from the Unconscious. In the left margin, write 1A, and then the affirmation; below that, in the margin, write 1B, then the response it elicits, so you release it from your being; and below that, in the margin, write 1C, a new affirmation, from your higher Self, that’s the positive antithesis of the negative response you just wrote.

For purposes of illustration, let’s work with the affirmation:

“The more connected I am to my source of power, the more my plans work out better than I’d anticipated.”

One possible negative response might be:

“People resent my power.” There are an infinite number of positive messages that can transform that thought for you. One good one that I like goes:

“The more innocent I am about my own power, the more others respect it.”


The B thought isn’t horrible; it’s just small. I call it negative because it negates the positive thought in 1A. (In Greek mythology there’s a god named Momus whose principal activity is mockery and faultfinding.

It seems as if this god has been more or less internalized into the inner chatter in the minds of virtually all of us.) An analogy will explain my point. If you went to the sixth floor of the Empire State Building, you’d look out the windows and see the sixth floor of all the other buildings surrounding it. On the other hand, if you took the elevator to the observation deck on the eighty-sixth floor, you would delight in the wonders of breathtaking vistas. The view from the sixth floor isn’t negative; it’s just that the view from the 86th floor is expansive.

The purpose of the C step is to create a mini-dialogue with the smaller part of your mind. The larger part of your mind can persuade the smaller part that a different reality exists when you look at it from a broader perspective, from that 86th floor, so to speak.

Choose a C affirmation that brings a smile to your face, or an “aha” to your mind. But don’t disregard persuasive affirmations just because they don’t make you smile or tickle an “aha.” The idea is to persuade the smaller part of your mind that the point of view is more expanded from the 86th floor of your mind. Smiles and “ahas” are gravy. If your lower self rejects the C thought, make it less potent. The idea is for your lower self to be able to believe the C message.

Do this process for 10 minutes a day until its truth manifests in your life.


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