Only when the emotional storm of shock, grief, anger and time has passed, and we have consciously decided that we have suffered enough, will we begin to release the heartache. Whether we have been betrayed or suffered a tragic loss, there are no words or replacements for what we have lost. To restore our sense of purpose and balance, and rediscover our joy, we will need to redirect our attention towards developing new creative goals, as well as positive fulfilling physical relationships, whether they be with human companions, animals or even plants. For it is only through these relationships that we, as Soul, can again open our hearts to share our love and to have that love returned.
While we are Soul, Divine beings, we are also human, and just trying to just survive and navigate a tragic loss in this world will take all of one’s fortitude. Even spiritually advanced Souls are tested.
Will we turn away from the light and reject truth, or will we accept the reality that there are no accidents or coincidences in life, and that every experience that comes our way has been carefully orchestrated for our spiritual benefit, even those experiences that are incredibly difficult and painful? Lasting peace and solace can only be found above the emotions and the mind, in a loving place of higher perspective. Be grateful for our lives and for the time we get to spend with the ones we love! The river runs forward and so must we!